Nāpali’s plant is the olonā, a plant that grows straight whose stems are used to make among the strongest rope to come out of the Pacific through native ingenuity. Nineteenth-century western ships would often trade their own rope for olonā rope, including Capt. Cook himself, and Nāpali was one area where olonā plantations were once well known. This reminds us of potential industries that remain to be tapped on Kaua‘i, industries that Kaua‘i could be uniquely situated to spawn into a thriving industry.

The fish (another i‘a in Hawaiian terms) is the honu, a creature whose story is one of near ecological disaster with an upturn in resurgence thanks to concerted efforts to stave off the collapse of its populations. A success story, the honu serves as an example of the potential for positive outcomes. As a well-loved seafood among native peoples of the Pacific, this resource, with proper lāhui management, could once again thrive as a food source.

The color designated for Nāpali is the color of the sea on this coast, which is the brightest turquoise blue in the sunshine.